
Now’s the Best Time to Remodel Your Existing Home or Build That Custom Dream Home!

Are you thinking about selling your home and buying a bigger, better home that’s currently on the market? Recent evidence suggests you may be in for a rough ride in finding a listed home that meets the needs of you and your family.

That’s because right now there’s a decreased inventory of homes on the market here in Massachusetts, the Worcester Telegram & Gazette (T&G) reported recently. According to, there were 27 percent fewer homes on the market in June 2013 than there were just one year earlier, the T&G noted. The article pointed out that in today’s market would-be buyers—that would mean you!—can’t be as picky as you could be in a more robust buyer’s market.

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Four Tips to Get Your Kitchen Remodeling Juices Flowing

For the past couple of weeks, RemodelWerks has been talking about research that shows home remodeling is likely to rise as the economic recovery continues and more folks become motivated to turn their glorious kitchen redesign plans into a reality.

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